Saturday, March 2, 2013


Inauguration of a new kind of baby-girl named SUNDAR SHANTA NEPAL. It is informed to our all followers, members, and well-wishers that you have established a new Non-government organization which will be working in educational and health sector. It mission is to educate Nepali people (young to old) about how can they contribute to make this country a better country, so that we can bring the change that we have never seen before.  a single person might not be able to bring this change but together we can. we were able to dethrone 104 year long Rana Sashan and 240 year long monarchy. NOW LET'S MAKE A DING IN THE UNIVERSE!  Let's show the power of unity!  let's join our hands to make a better future for us and our yet-to-come generation. CHEERS!

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